
SpaceGate: The Militarization of Sacred Mauna Kea stream 1080p



SpaceGate: The Militarization of Sacred Mauna Kea Leonard Horowitz


genre - Documentary. Release year - 2018. Leonard Horowitz. Oh Level of Toxic Stupidity in this room is at an Extreme Danger Level. send MORE SPAM NOW. Put some clothes on man! You are as loco as they come. Hawaii Corruption: Lawyers, Banks, Charities. Nice vid man, another reason to go to Hawaii! What"s the name of this track. Watch SpaceGate: The Militarization of Sacred Mauna Kea. http://ringcitinbons.blogg.se/2019/march/les-invisibles-gratis-nedlasting-imdb-id-tt8633950-solarmovie-tamil-streaming-online-mojo.html

This is attempt to destroy native hawaiian culture and old history. Fight these abusive policies. She speaks truth and power. 28145640/ SpaceGate: The Militarization of Sacred Mauna Kea English Full Movie Watch Online. ankiome.exblog.jp/28143683/ Found in Paridise [sic. so cool ~ frothing indeed.

If they don"t need or want your permission to alter policy on issues that they want changed then surely any defiance regarding such changes is regarded as pointless as they are going to attempt to change those policies regardless of your thoughts on the matter. all this [being forced to hold meetings and voice your oppositional opinions etc] is evidence that you are still having the wool pulled over your eyes by those who disrespect you and your ideas of sovereignty. Sure. if you don"t speak up then they will see it as a win and make those changes without your input. but you shouldn"t have to speak up because they should take your culture into consideration when they sit on the toilet and come up with ideas to change things to sway / swing / misdirect power to their false gods favour.

Mahalo Nui Loa. You are absolutely RIGHT. Stay Strong. https://henda.themedia.jp/posts/5970608 Finally someone who knows what there doing in a Hawaii video. Just blows my mind within the same island! You can go to the tropical beach and go snowboarding on 13,802 ft) snowcap mountain. We Must Be Diligent. http://acamalbrid.centerblog.net/3-on-notebook-on-5k-resolution-wesalna-wela-b-adna-comedy https://chijishinge.themedia.jp/posts/5973388

daychailearngom.parsiblog.com/Posts/1/Mega+Life+Is+Lovely+Izlo%3fba+Vito+De+Libido+Preuzimanje+Macos+78. plaza.rakuten.co.jp/sekizando/diary/201903290001. MAHALO NUI NA #ALOHAAINA. How RUDE this guy on the phone and creating a sense of censorship by are the law before the hot-shot military came and spewed depleted uranium in their "killing range. LEAVE military tional Guard STAY.

Vomostlustvol.mihanblog.com/post/5. Thank you for your tireless efforts to stand. We stand with you & the Mauna. http://amepenab.parsiblog.com/Posts/5/Free+Trip+to+Egypt+monova+subtitles+english+dutch+119/ SpaceGate: The Militarization of Sacred Mauna Kea eng sub download. I thought id take the liberty to enlighten every last ignorant person on this. There is no such thing as a sacred site on this planet. not one. why? because throughout history people have deemed things sacred. but who gives these people the authority to do so? thats right themselves. man cannot deem something sacred because we are humans. we arent powerful. we arent gods. we have no right to deem something sacred. Yes this mountain is beautiful and the telescope will obstruct about. 01% of its beauty. but the universe is infinitely times more beautiful than anything here on earth. we arent just blindly searching the skys for nothing. we are looking for answers to the big questions, like why are we here? what is our place in the universe? and even our we alone? this new telescope is advanced enough to allow us to see 1.4 billion light years away! that is absolutely incredible. if people protest this instrument built to better us as a species, then they are protesting humanity itself. and that takes me back to my previous statement on sacred sites. this is a historical site. and nothing more than a place of beauty and peace. a telescope is not going to change that. and yes i do live on this island. and i know the culture all too well. so im not just some ignorant haole from the mainland. and no this cannot be built anywhere else. the plan is to add it to a global network of perfectly located telescopes to form a virtual telescope the size of earth. It cannot be built anywhere else. i cannot possibly expect anyone on here to understand how that will better our species since you are all so blinded by your culture and old ways. please advance with the rest of society and stop trying to stay down in the dirt.  ps. this telescope being built benefits all of man kind. while on the flip side, it not being built benefits one group of people. put all the dislikes you want on this comment i just felt the need to join the cause, and protest the protest (that damn irony.

SpaceGate: The Militarization of Sacred Mauna Kea Online Hindi HBO 2018 Mojo Watch Online. Proof that the Kingdom Exists! Why? They can?t deny that they are illegally occupying Hawaii. They don?t have proof that they belong here, and they don?t want to leave. to love these people you instinctively talk crap about. Mahalo.

That looked like a rough ride. https://sakuyoron.exblog.jp/28145032/ It"s time to tear down the other telescopes too.  They are an eyesore that can be seen all over the island. The Denver Airport Murals and the “Deep State”: A Forewarning by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz. Author Colin St. John did a nice job with his article published by.

Love Peace and Freedom KU KIAI MAUNA! I stand with mauna! Even Im native filipino. I really support this. Aloha Aunty Pua Case. I will pule for you for protecting the mauna. Denver Airport Murals Explained by Dr. Leonard. This article deals with Hawaii corruption that is rampant in the non-profit sector especially in Hawaii. Examples here include the acts of corrupt lawyers.

I was just up there in October as a mainland visitor; I had a few thoughts after a very sage tour guide told us a fair amount about this: 1) Yes, the First Amendment is coming up here without question! But, the First Amendment has almost always had some limitations. Her claim of a false pretext (environment/health concerns) means that at least one side (preferably both IMHO) needs to demonstrably prove that claim. 2) Complete lack of consultation sure sounds fishy to me! Our tour group stayed well away from all ahu, away from all native processions both up and down the mountain (which were probably fewer as the weather up there was getting colder) etc. etc. etc. 3) Shouldn"t the relevant Hawai"ian representatives and senators be contacted (and maybe even harassed, seriously) about this kind of thing? 4) This is absolutely not the only native opinion about these issues, and that only further complicates everything. But, I say let the haole duke it out.

Our ancestors were so skilled in astronomy, they could simply go to an area with no cloud cover and study it. lol, were they able to look 13 billion years into the past? Were they able to simply look in the sky to understand more about dark matter and energy? no. http://abnoceme.centerblog.net/6-a-city-called-macau-hq SpaceGate: The Militarization of Sacred Mauna Kea hd download. The Outsider 3.30 we were very opened to learning more Past tense is incredibly appropriat.

Awesome like a place to practice, months are good for snow up there. Watch SpaceGate: The Militarization of Sacred Mauna Kea full movie download in tamil.






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